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Product Description

MMA-CF3 is a calendered PVC, giving a realistic simulation of Carbon Fibre. The 150 micron film has a textured, embossed 3D finish, and may be used on flat or simple curves so is ideal for large flat vehicle panels, such as bonnets and roofs.

For faster, trouble-free applications the MMA-CF3 offers ease of application by providing air with an exit route from under the graphic, this is thanks to the air release adhesive.

The MMA-CF3 is suitable for computer cut graphics and vehicle applications, it is durable for up to 5 years of exterior use and should be applied using the dry application method only.


Product Code

Customer Reviews

Performance 3D Black Carbon Fibre Vinyl Vehicle Wrap (Air Release Adhesive)

Item in Stock (2109 Available)

Product Code MMA-CF3